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nosotras-en-el-mundoThe meeting was hosted by Radio Vallekas and Nosotras en el Mundo –that started as part of a project of the Women area of the radio station ten years ago and now it has legal status and develops projects for radio Vallekas and also as part of the Nosotras en el Mundo network that works with women in Latin America and Europe producing and exchanging programmes. The meeting was attended by Irini and Sangita(Sheffield Live), Marie, Cindy and Carmen(SNRL), Ainara and Miren (members of a feminist group in Irun, and they produce a programme Gonekin ero bero that it is broadcast Basque Language radio network Arrosa), Sally Galiana (Nearfm) Lucia and Susana (Radio Vallekas) prepared an initial schedule for debate. It was agreed that the programme would be live from the studio de Radio Vallekas from 11 am to 3.00pm. It consisted of two round table discussions (one French/Spanish) and a second (Spanish/English). Panellists were the representatives of the partners and members of women organisations in the Vallekas area. There was also an English link with Sheffield live at 1pm and a space to introduce and play the radio interviews prepared by the partners ahead of the meeting. There were also connexions with other women working in community radio through Europe (Tiziana in Onda rossa, Rome, which broadcast a special 24 hour programme schedule on the day), Metchild in Radio flora, Hannover, and women in El Salvador and Argentina, who are involved in the project Nosotras en el Mundo. On Thursday 8 March the Programme was broadcast between 11am and 3pm and the meeting concluded with an evaluation workshop and proposals for future work together. The programme was uploaded in Nosotras en el Mundo Website and it is available on this link It was agreed that for women working of radio, the practicality of preparing a radio programme together was a good starting point for future collaboration. Everyone was satisfied with the final result, however, the difficulties created by a multilingual broadcast, in which some of the broadcasters and guests did not know all languages were raised. Some possible solutions to these difficulties were; tight running order for the programme, and some of the input to be scripted so those who do not know they other language could follow the content, and different sitting arrangements to facilitate translations. It would have been beneficial to have more contact ahead of the meeting and to circulate the pre-recorded interviews with a summary in several languages to facilitate understanding of the content. On the other hand, the fact that there were two central themes for the multilingual discussions (the role of women and women role models for panel 1) and women in a time of economic crisis (panel 2). It was suggested that it would be a good idea to plan for future broadcastings and choose a specific theme to produce interviews for specific deadlines. For example, Sheffield Live brought two testimonials, and it could be a good idea to record testimonials of women to exchange. Marie expressed an interest in recording testimonials with young women, so they can talk about how they see themselves and to talk about their aspirations. Carmen suggested to do something on mediation in situation of conflict between men and women, interviewing and offering information on organisations that deal with specific issues. It was suggested that women are the experts and their voices should be the ones being heard. There was a proposal to mainstream feminist ideas, explaining what feminism is and how it is experience by different women, as a way to sensitivise men too and produce radio programmes that are informative and educative for all. We all listen to men, but men feel that women issues are not relevant. There was a proposal to organise a future programme exchange for 21 October, day of Feminist Radio and 16 days campaign opposing violence against women.

nosotras-en-el-mundoA 3 days meeting 7/9 of March, will gather representatives of the Amarc Europe Women Network with the aim to reinforce the relationship among producers with a gender perspective. The gathering will take place in Radio Vallekas. Madrid. The 7th of March a short introductory meeting will take place, in order to check radio programme scripts for a common broadcast to be put on air the 8th of March. Every station will bring a short audio feature on the theme: “one feminist claim or vindication in your country” .The special program will be aired on Radio Vallekas frequencies the 8th of March at 14h00. The 9th of March a 3 hours gender workshop will take place in order to exchange ideas, impressions, make an evaluation of the previous day special program and set up a common strategy with a gender perspective in common communication projects and proposals to keep building a women network in Europe.

Trois jours de réunion (7-9 Mars), réuniront les représentants du Réseau des femmes de AMARC Europe visent à renforcer les relations entre les producteurs avec une perspective de genre. Le rassemblement aura lieu à Vallekas radio. Madrid. Le 7 Mars une brève réunion de lancement aura lieu, afin de vérifier son programme de radio à diffusion commune à mettre à l’antenne le 8 Mars. Chaque station apportera un court audio sur le thème: “Une réclamation féministe dans votre pays» L’émission spéciale sera diffusée sur les fréquences radio Vallekas le 8 Mars à 14h00. Le 9 Mars à 3 heures atelier d’échanger des idées, des impressions, faire une évaluation du programme de veille spéciale et mis en place une stratégie commune avec une perspective de genre dans les projets de communication communs et les propositions de continuer à construire des femmes réseau en Europe.Un encuentro entre el 7 y 9 de marzo reunirá a representantes de la Red de Mujeres de AMARC Europa con objetivo de reforzar la relación entre programas de radio con perspectiva de género. La reunión tendrá lugar en Radio Vallekas. Madrid. El 7 de marzo, se llevará a cabo una breve reunión introductoria, con el fin de revisar el plan para un programa de radio en común que será transmitido en directo el dia 8 de marzo. Cada radio asociada preparará audios de 7 a 10 minutos sobre una reclamación o reivindicación feminista en su país. El programa especial será transmitido por las frecuencias de radio Vallekas el 8 de marzo a las 14:00. El 09 de marzo se llevará a cabo un taller de género de 3 horas con el fin de intercambiar ideas, impresiones, hacer la evaluación del programa del día anterior y establecer una estrategia común con una perspectiva de género en los proyectos comunes de comunicación y propuestas para seguir construyendo una red de mujeres en Europa.