
The Spanish Community Media Federation (ReMC) and two community televisions (Tele K, Madrid and RTV Cardedeu, Barcelona), have launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay the court expenses that they need to denounce the Spanish government. Although the law says that all people have the right to receive information from community media (article 4 of the Audiovisual General Law, 2010), the government has recently approved a decree for DTT which ignores the community television and does not ensure frequencies to it.

So, for this reason, this non-profit organizations have presented and administrative appeal to the Supreme Court against Royal Decree 805/2014, of 19 September, which establishes the National Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Television.

The crowdfunding will be destinated to the following costs:

– Court fees: €450

– Legal costs: €1000

– Attorney: €500

– Fees lawyers: €5,050

In total, €7,000, plus contingencies that may arise.

Entities that are advancing this campaign can only cover part of the expenses. So they ask for your support. If they collect 5,000 euros or more, they could beat the Government and the Royal Decree.




With the slogan RADIOactivity is not always a bad thing! the community radio Radio Marš is looking for volunteers “for one year, or for life”. Volunteers will get the necessary basic training of all aspects of radio work (speaking, recording, writing, mixing). Once the introductory training will be concluded, they will – together with other volunteers (max. 3) – work on activities, that range from an EVS radio show, thematic radio emissions, sound production, journalism, organizing events (concerts, roundtable discussions) or other personal projects.

Volunteers will have their own room in a flat shared by other volunteers and/or students in Maribor. They will be located in the immediate vicinity of the radio station, in Maribor city center. The flat will have a shared kitchen, bathroom, internet access.

For all the information, you can click in the following link:

Séminaire et journée d’étude

La régulation dans le Maghreb et le Mashrek: Les défis”

23 mars 2015, Tunis

Au-delà de leur simple définition de « dias », les radios associatives jouent un rôle déterminant dans le pluralisme médiatique, la diversité de la production journalistique, la création de nouveaux espaces publics et le développement local. Suite aux réformes médiatiques entreprises par certains Etats arabes, les dispositifs de régulation audiovisuelle et les instances représentatives professionnelles jouent un role d’envergure. Un rôle qui a encore plus d’ampleur dans une période de transition démocratique, comme le cas de la Tunisie post-révolutionnaire.

Le développement des radios associatives en Tunisie a été accompagné par des reformes juridiques importantes. Le décret-loi N°116-2011 du 2 novembre 2011 relatif à la liberté de la communication audiovisuelle et à la création d’une haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA), témoigne clairement de la volonté d’organiser et de régulariser le secteur des médias, y compris les médias associatifs.

C’est dans cette perspective que l’HAICA a publié, le 5 mars 2014, le cahier des charges fixant les conditions d’octroi d’une licence de création et d’exploitation d’une chaine de radio associative sur le territoire tunisien.

Avec les radios qui possédaient déjà une licence associative et l’octroi de nouvelles licences le 2 septembre 2014, la Tunisie compte aujourd’hui un réseau de 10 radios associatives avec une licence FM et de nombreux projets en ligne, et représente aujourd’hui un modèle de développement unique dans les pays du Maghreb et Mashrek en termes de pluralisme.

Mais quelle est la situation dans les autres pays qui ont entrepris des réformes démocratiques dans le domaine audio-visuel, notemment au Maroc et en Jordanie? Quelles sont les tendances de la régulation en Europe et en Afrique Sub-Saharienne ?

C’est dans ce contexte général que s’inscrit le séminaire et journée d’étude “La régulation dans le Maghreb et le Mashrek: Les défis” organisé le 23 mars 2015 par l’Association mondiale des radiodiffuseurs comunautaires (AMARC), dans le contexte du Forum Mondial des Medias Libres et soutenu par Oxfam Tunisie.

Ce séminaire sera l’occasion pour:

  • Faire l’état des lieux des instruments à disposition des Instances Nationales de Régulation dans le Maghreb et Mashrek, Tunisie, Maroc, Jordanie et une vision des tendances en Europe et en Afrique sub-saharienne;
  • Identifier les défis de la régulation en période de transition démocratique;
  • Analyser comment les ONG internationales peuvent accompagner le travail des Instances de Régulation, notamment dans les domaines du pluralisme, diversité culturelle (ex: langues minoritaires) et de la cohésion sociale;
  • Analyser comment mettre en place des mécanismes permanents de co-régulation et d’auto-régulation.


Agenda provisoire:

9:00: Accueil et enregistrement des participants.

9:30 : Séance plénière. État des lieux de la Régulation au Maghreb et Mashrek.

Nouri Lajmi, Président HAICA, Tunisie.

Miloud Chorfi, Directeur ARAV Autorité de régulation de l’audiovisuel, Algérie.

Amjad Al Kadi, Directeur Audiovisual Media Commission, Jordan (written contribution).

M Yassine Charif, Directeur adjoint au Département des Recherches et Développement – HACA, Maroc.

Mme Souad Elhammami, Suivi des activités audiovisuelles relatives au monde associatif et sur le web – HACA, Maroc.

Giacomo Mazzone, Head of Institutional Relations EBU – UER.

M. Pier Luigi Malesani, Secretary General COPEAM.

M. Michael Randall, Union Européenne, programme Med Media.

Oumar Seck Ndiaye, Président AMARC Afrique.

Salah Fourti, Sécretaire Général Syndicat Tunisien des Radio Libres.

Steve Buckley, Expert, Directeur Community Media Solutions, UK.

Saloua Oueslati, Experte, Article 19 Tunisie.

11:00 Pause café

11:30 Suite des travaux. Table ronde ouverte aux participants et recommandations. La table ronde aura pour objectif d’établir une feuille de route pour la mise en place des mécanismes réguliers et permanents de co-regulation et de consultation sur tous les thèmes qui peuvent concerner les médias associatifs (ex: nouvelles licences, mais aussi droits d’auteur, neutralité du Net, passage à la radio numérique terrestre etc.).  Les recommandations seront partagées avec tous les autres participants du Forum Mondial des Médias Libres.

13:00 – Pause déjeuner.

14:30 – Suite des travaux.

17:00  – Conclusion et clotûre du séminaire.

tags: FMML , mednet , news , Tunisia

[Download PDF]

Since the pro-democracy uprisings of the 90s ushered in the liberalization of the media landscape in Africa, Community radio has quickly moved to establish itself as a tool of choice for poor and marginalized communities to fight poverty in Africa. In Senegal URAC, an association of 73 community radios is bringing climate advisories to some 2million farmers in their local dialect in all 14 regions of the country. Allowing farmers to adjust their planting to accurate weather forecast, saving them from the heavy losses of the past when shifting weather patterns caused millet farmers to loss their entire crop every couple of years to early cessation of rain. Radio Vos di Santa Kruz and Radio Comunitária de Promoção das Mulheres in Cape Verde were involved in drawing up a participatory budget for the municipalities of Santa Cruz and Paúl, redirecting critical resources to historically marginalized communities, and providing other communities a lesson in real world application of participatory democracy. In Niger Bankilare Radio is one of 97 community radios of the initiative “Community radio at the service of Development” which is the main vehicle for development communication with most of the country’s population—which happens to be the rural poor. Thanks to the initiative “Radio Platform for Community Development Project (RPCD)” Radio Listeners club in Mozambique spearheaded radio programs that compelled mining companies to compensate locals whose land they had appropriated for the mining, and the corrupt officials involved fired. And the list goes on.

Although community radio is recognized by communications for development (ComDev) practitioners as the champion for poor communities in their fight against poverty, huge swaths of poor and rural communities across Africa are still to get access to this cheap, easy to operate and well adapted ComDev resource.

In a 2014 regional virtual consultation organized by Yenkasa, within the framework of a consultative process on communication for development, community media and ICTs for family farming organized by FAO and AMARC, the more than 250 participants from 20 African countries, most of them community radio organizers, highlighted the need for more regional coordination and networking to improve knowledge exchange and efficient resource sharing amongst ComDev practitioners. The participants also recommended the need to take the dialogue started by the online consultation to people on the ground in Africa with particular attention to participatory research and a bottom up approach to policy design, implementation, monitoring and management4.

It is in this backdrop that we are organizing this Training of Trainers workshop on Communication for Development (Com4Dev) and Interactive online tools. With the goal of capacity building on ameliorating radio production quality in Community Radios through the social and physical technologies being deployed already to great effect by some poor and marginal communities in their fight against poverty. A process already begun at some local and country level initiatives. Like the purposeful expansion of listeners clubs by Radio Bèlèkan in Mali to their entire community, for regular feedback and community generated content. The offering of technical training to local community Radio stations by Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN); a need expressed by many community radio stations in Africa. GCRN’s training policy mandates that at least half of the delegation of each participating station to their trainings be women, advancing a cultural transformation with significant long-term enrichment of the concerned communities. On social technologies, Community radio organizers in Mali enshrined community participation in community radio by lobbying for the law on community radio to include a provision requesting community radio station to have general assembly meetings.


To maximize its effects and foster cross fertilization processes this workshop is being organized in Tunis from March 24 to 25, 2015, to coincide with the Fourth Free media Forum (FMML) and the World Social Forum (WSF) that is will be bringing close to a hundred thousand organizer from around the world to Tunis for the week of March 22 to 28.

In this two day intensive hands-on Training-of-Trainers workshop with Representatives of 8 African national networks on community radio and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) and AMARC’s facilitator and coordinator of the YENKASA platform, we look to enhance community media capacity building and to network with organizers, activists and community radio makers from around the globe who will be in Tunis for the forum.

    1. Frame of reference:

Project objectives

  • To improve capacities and abilities of CR journalists for better quality radio production.

  • Increase pertinence of local programming for local audience by:

a) Increased participation in radio programs of citizens, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations.

b) Embedding Knowledge sharing mechanisms in participating community radios to increase their social sustainability.

    1. Specific objective:

  • Increase capacities of CR on specific challenging topics like Com4Dev, food security, climate change adaptation and others.

  • Skills development in interactive radio formats such a hosting open-line discussions, technical convergence (mobile telephony and traditional radio),virtual consultations in order to increase citizen, NGOs and civil society in radio programming.

The trainees from the Tunis workshop will in turn run similar Training-of-Trainers workshop at the sub-regional and national levels and their trainees will do same, with the above frame of reference and specific objective. Every iteration building on local experiences and the exchange of information from other communities, ComDev practitioners, and research institutions; information of which YENKASA is syndicating in one place for easy access.


The workshop is modeled to embed the principles of participatory organizing, whose role as the foundation for sustainable community radio development is often overshadowed by the more touchable equipment.


  • Prior to the workshop a draft of the workshop plan will be shared with the Representatives of the 8 African national networks on community radio and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs), and other potential participants for feedback and revisions.

  • The resources of the workshop, will be group managed i.e. participatory management.


Tuesday March 24.

Morning Session: Introduction to ComDev principles and empowerment of CR in the field of food security (Vanessa Vertiz, OEKR, FAO (to be confirmed)).

  • Introduction to ComDev and FAO’s ComDev work: principles and main methodologies/tools.

  • Current projects and initiatives (particularly in Africa, SO5/SO3/SO2) –  Main OPCA topics: Resilience, family farming, Voluntary guidelines in land tenure.

  • Good practices in radio: Rural radio / FAO – AMARC initiative (regional platforms/ IYFF campaign / FCCM, etc.)

  • Introduction of Yenkasa: stakeholders platform. How to get involved and participate?

Lunch break

Afternoon Session: New ICT tools to improve capacities and abilities of CR journalists for better quality radio production and to increase participation in radio programs of citizens, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations (Valentine Eben, AMARC, Yenkasa Platform).

  • Introduction to the concept of social Technologies and Infrastructure Development.

  • Social infrastructure Development i.e. Networking, solidarity and resource mobilization for community radio.

  • Connecting listeners and experts: On line virtual consultations, combining multiple technologies: on line, cell phones, traditional radio.

  • Mass SMS tools for reminders of upcoming shows, text updates and input solicitation.

  • Combining info sources to improve community radio (YenKasa, farmradio,,

Wednesday March 25.

Morning Session: Follow up new ICT tools to improve capacities and abilities of CR journalists for better quality radio production and to increase participation in radio programs of citizens, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations (Valentine Eben, AMARC, YenKasa Platform).

  • Collecting information and distributing information about food security: the role of Yenkasa platform and interaction with traditional radio.

  • Live Call-in and feedback message box.

  • Call out to connect radio to experts and the community.

  • Interactive voice response (IVR) to redirect important radio content to mobile phones.

  • Call-back servers for connecting listens to stations at no cost, and for use by radios for free interviewer phone calls.

  • Mesh network (internet in a box) and for extending internet services wirelessly.

  • Freedom Fone.

Lunch break

Afternoon Session: Other experiences and tools in use to improve capacities of CR journalists and increase participation. The case of Radio Farm International (To be confirmed).

Q&A session Evaluation and closing plenary.

tags: FMML , mednet , news , Tunisia


This page will contain various audios programs created by Miriam Meda at the 4th World Forum of Free Media (FMML) (different languages, indicated in each audio).

You can also see the videos from World Social Forum TV



See our Storifies





At least 4,000 mass-based movements and organisations and diversity of people from all over the globe, have taken part in the 13th edition of the World Social Forum (WSF), that took place in the Tunisian capital, Tunis. The four-day event served as an annual counterweight to the Davos World Economic Forum, where top political leaders and business elites meet to discuss economic issues.
Set on the campus of El Manar University in the capital Tunis, thousands of participants were milling among tents, stalls, workshops and seminars debating about key issues of our times and how to achieve social justice at local, national, regional and international levels.

The event provided mosaic of youth and labour unions, environmental and peace associations, as well as various communities and activists from across the globe. It offered a space to put forward alternative ideas for a better society based on the principles of equality, reciprocity and solidarity.

More than 200 cultural activities were on display in Tunis as part of the event. They included exhibitions, alternative media fair, film screenings, street performances and music concerts.


[Español] Entrevista: Jóvenes que luchan contra el desempleo en la zona del Mediterráneo. 

Edgar, un miembro de Mediterranean y de la Universidad de Savoir explica las 
reivindicaciones que están realizando los jóvenes del Mediterráneo para mejorar el 
desempleo juvenil en los países de la zona.
IMG_20150328_105415 (Photo: AMARC)


[Français] Association Tunisienne des Ingénieurs Agronomes 

L’association Tunisienne des ingénieurs agronomes est une association de 
développent, scientifique et écologique.


[Français] Interview: Association Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire 

Cette association a pour objet principal de lutter contre les effets négatifs, directs 
et indirects, des activités publicitaires sur l’environnement et les citoyens.En 
dénonçant les procédés publicitaires destinés à la mise en condition de la personne, 
elle se propose de combattre les nuisances qui en résultent pour l’environnement 
(gaspillage des ressources, pollution paysagère et du cadre de vie, déchets, bruit…) 
et la société (développement de la surconsommation, inégalités, obésité, violence…). 


[English] Inteview Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa

GRILA was founded in 1984. It is an autonomous, non-profit, entirely 
volunteer-based organization of researchers and activists. It functions on the basis 
of the material and intellectual contribution of its sections, made up of members 
and supporters. Within its vision of a universalist world, GRILA’s goal is to 
contribute to the emergence and consolidation of self-directed and self-reliant 
development in Africa, and to foster international solidarity in support of this 
form of development. Concretely, this work involves popular education and 
political action in Africa and internationally.


[Français] Interview: Association Marocaine des Droits Humains

Association pour la défense des droits humains et des libertés collectives et 
individuelles au Maroc, et pour la réalisation d'une société où régnera le droit, 
la justice et la liberté.


[Français] Mali, climate change and development

Un militant de Mali explique les questions de développement 
au Mali et au changement climatique.


[Français] Jeunesse algerienne

En Algérie, les moins de 30 ans représentent 75% de la population. Avec 
l'avènement d'Internet et des nouvelles technologies, la jeunesse algérienne 
s’est emparée de nouveaux moyens d’expression qui transforment progressivement 
l’ensemble de la société et contribuent à l’émergence d’une nouvelle culture. 




[Français] Interview to the Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie (CVDT)

Le comité de vigilance pour la démocratie a pour but de défendre et de promouvoir, 
partout dans le monde, la démocratie dans ses trois aspects fondamentaux : 
politique ; économique et social.

[Français] Interview: Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux de Sénegal

Le Conseil national de concertation et de coopération des ruraux du Sénégal a 
pour finalité de contribuer au développement d’une agriculture paysanne qui assure 
une promotion socio-économique durable des exploitations familiales.


 [Español] Entrevista: Delegación saharaui del Foro Mundial Social 2015

Uno de los representantes de la Delegación saharaui del Foro Social Mundial 2015 
habla sobre las actividades que están llevando a cabo estos días en Túnez, así como 
de la situación actual del Sáhara Occidental y su relación con España.

[Português] Interview: activist from La Via Campesina

La Vía Campesina, Movimiento Campesino Internacional, está representado en el 
Foro Social Mundial en Túnez del 24 al 28 de marzo por alrededor de cincuenta 
delegados, compuestos por campesinos y campesinas y trabajadores agrícolas, 
provenientes de más de 20 países de todas las regiones del mundo con una 
atención preferencial por los delegados del mundo árabe.

[English] Interview: activist from Rising Tide North America

Rising Tide was formed in the Netherlands in 2000 by environmental and social 
justice activists attending the UN Conference of the Parties climate talks. Rising 
Tide now spans four continents, with activists in North and South America, the UK, 
Ecuador and Australia. Rising Tide’s North American network was founded in the 
spring of 2006. Many of Rising Tide’s original members met during the original 
Mountain Justice Summer, inspired by the movement’s lack of distinction between 
human rights and environmental concerns, as well as at Earth First! gatherings.


[English] Interview: Norway Social Forum

Norway Social Forum (NSF) is part of a broad international movement working for 
a just world and against the neoliberal economy and politics that dominate the world 
today. The Norway Social Forum is an offshoot of and the Norwegian Committee 
for the World Social Forum. The Norway Social Forum is thus based on the Charter 
of the World Social Forum.


[Português] Interview: activist from the Movimiento Sin Tierra

El Movimiento de los Trabajadores Sin tierra surgió en Brasil hace más de dos 
décadas como respuesta al hambre secular de tierra de los campesinos que no la 
tienen. En este breve período de tiempo este movimiento ha conseguido por vías no 
violentas convertirse en un instrumento de transformaciones revolucionarias en la 
sociedad brasileña.



Alternatiba (Photo: AMARC)
Peasant women in the Arab world (Photo: AMARC)
La Via Campesina (Photo: AMARC)




[English] Interview to Boaventura  de Sousa Santos 

De Sousa Santos is a professor of Sociology at the School of Economics of the 
University of Coimbra. He has taught in varios universities including Yale, 
Wisconsin-Madison Law School and University of Warwick. He is active in the 
World Social Forum in Brazil. He has written on a range of areas including human 
rights, sociology of law and democracy.


[Spanish, English + French] Interview to LGTB movements from Tunisia, Morocco, Brazil and Beni

In this audio we can find different testimonies from LGBT organizations and 
activists gathered in the World Social Forum 2015. The speakers are Gabriel 
Teixira (Coletivo de Entidades Negras, Brasil), activists from Tunisia, Hamza 
Mala Badi (Collectif Aswat pour la lutte contre la discrimination fondée sur la 
sexualité et le genre, Morocco), Léo Mendes (ABGLT, Brasil) and one activist 
from Beni.


[English] Interview to Iraq´s Women Journalists movement

The situation of Iraqi female journalists and reporters is not easy in this post-war 
period. They are trying to manage new opportunities and new freedoms of speech 
following the war. So many Arab women journalists were attending the activity 
"Women movement from the Maghreb and the fight for the equality world" 
celebrated by COSPE.

 iraq_OK (Photo: AMARC)


[Français] Speech of l’Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates (ATFD)

Les droits de l’Homme sont le fondement d’une société garantissant l’égalité, la 
liberté et la dignité de chaque être humain. La ATFD, par sa légitimité, son 
expérience, ses méthodes et sa crédibilité, a un rôle unique à jouer pour contribuer 
à leur réalisation.

 tunisia_OK (Photo: AMARC)


[English] Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement

EACPE was founded in 2001 with the goal of promoting democratic development 
and improving the human rights situation in Egypt. It works toward these goals 
by raising awareness of political and human rights among the population and 
building capacities of various organizations, networks and coalitions. The 
organization works closely with other non-profit organizations as well as youth 
organizations, trade unions and political parties.

 egypt_OK2 (Photo: AMARC)




This is the first day at the World Social Forum of 2015. The International Council of the #WSF2015 estimates that it is still necessary to:

  • Consolidate the dynamics of changes born thanks to the Tunisian revolution and to the democratic movements in the region.
  • Deepen the debates held about the liberal model crisis and about the civilization crisis.
  • Deepen the debates about new geopolitical issues.
  • Promote alternatives which respect the people rights, and which are based on peace and social justice.


[Français] Interview: Institut PANOS Afrique du l’Ouest

Le Institut PANOS Afrique du l'Ouest parle del travail dans l'organisation et ses 
différent projets.


[English] Interview: COSPEMed Net Project 

The organization COSPE explains its currently Med Net Project, in which AMARC 
Europe is a partner, and the work done -and to do- in the countries Morocco, Tunisia, 
Egypt and Palestine.


[Español] Entrevista: Mohcine, activista social

Mohcine, activista social de Marruecos, explica su visión del 
activismo y la militancia, sus retos y sus oportunidades.


[Français] Organisation RESO Tunisie

L’association RESO est une association tunisienne apolitique qui inscrit son action 
dans le renforcement de la citoyenneté active et la promotion de la démocratie locale.


[Français] Conclusions de l’atelier du Med Net Project – Sofien Ammar (AMARC)

Sofien Ammar, coordinateur de l'AMARC a la Tunisie, rend un aperçu des résultats 
de l'atelier du Med Net Project.


Photos [All the photos: AMARC]




The World Social Forum 2015 has just started. Most of the people who is attending this international event were supporting in the streets the demonstration in favour of peace and solidarity. Thousands of people walked under the rain singing, waving flags and working for a better world.

That´s the spirit of the coming days at the World Social Forum 2015. In Tunisia, country where the people contestations started, while the political transition seems near to be achieved, the economical crisis and the violence of extremist groups are serious threats against the development of a political system and of institutions which could protect the economic and social rights, as well as the freedom.

All the audios are produced on the demonstration / opening of the #WSF2015.


[English] Interview: CMNPU Foundation – Finland

One of the project coordinators of CMNPU Foundation talks about this Finnish 
organization which is focused in the development cooperation for the south, and also 
she talks about the activities that they are prepared for this #WSF2015.


[English] Interview: ATTAC International

One of the activists of the network of ATTAC International talks about the 
significance of the battles of this organization, mainly focused in more fair 
economic issues.

[Français] Interview: Organisation des Étudiants Nationalistes – Tunisie

Un très jeune membre de l'Organisation des Étudiants Nationalistes de la Tunisie 
parle au sujet de la raison d'être de l'organisation, les luttes de la jeunesse en ce 
pays et les activités qu'ils produira dans le #WSF2015.

 manifestacion8_OK Photo: AMARC


[Español] Entrevista: Colectiva de Pueblos Originarios

Una activista de la organización latinoamericana de Colectiva de Pueblos Originarios 
habla sobre los diversos y múltiples grupos humanos y culturales a escala global. Van 
a mostrar su trabajo conjunto a través de diversas actividades los próximos 
días en el #WSF2015.
  manifestacion6_OK Photo: AMARC



Photos of the demonstration and audio of some songs [All the photos: AMARC].


manifestacion1_OK manifestacion2_OK manifestacion3_OK manifestacion4_OK manifestacion5_OK manifestacion7_OK



bardo_OK bardo2_OK bardo3_OK bardo4_OK




Quelle est la situation dans les pays qui ont entrepris des réformes démocratiques dans le domaine audio-visuel, notamment au Maroc et en Jordanie? Quelles sont les tendances de la régulation en Europe et en Afrique Sub-Saharienne ? 

C’est dans ce questions générales que s’inscrit le séminaire et journée d’étude “La régulation dans le Maghreb et le Mashrek: Les défis” organisé le 23 mars 2015 par l’Association Mondiale des Radiodiffuseurs Communautaires (AMARC), dans le contexte du Forum Mondial des Medias Libres et soutenu par Oxfam Tunisie.


[Français] Interview: Nouri Lajmi, Président HAICA, Tunisie

Nouri Lajmi parle sur les privilèges et les défis de l'autorité de régulation de 
l'audiovisuel en Tunisie.

 haica_tunisie (Photo: AMARC)


[Français] Interview: Yassine Charif, Directeur adjoint au Département des Recherches et Développement – HACA, Maroc

Yassine Charif parle sur les privilèges et les défis de l'autorité de régulation de 
l'audiovisuel en Maroc sur la radio communautaire.

 haicamaroc_OK (Photo: AMARC)


[English] Interview: Giacomo Mazzone, Head of Institutional Relations EBU – UER

Giacomo Mazzone parle sur les défis des médias publics aujourd'hui dans le 
Maghreb et le Mashrek.

 ebu (Photo: AMARC) 


[Français] Saloua Oueslati, experte, Article 19, Tunisie.

Saloua Oueslati décrit l'organisation Article 19 et parle de ses défis dans la lutte 
pour la liberté d'expression.

 article19_OK (Photo: AMARC) 





[Español] Programa completo

Acaba de ser inaugurada la 4ª edición del Foro Mundial de Medios Libres, que se 
desarrollará en Túnez del 22 al 28 de marzo. En este foro se darán cita activistas y 
organizaciones que luchan en favor de la libertad de expresión y de otra 
comunicación posible.

En este programa completo puede encontrarse la introducción y cobertura del primer 
día del Foro, así como las entrevistas a Roberto Savio (fundador y Presidente emérito 
de la agencia independiente Inter Press Service) y de Beatriz Barbosa 
(directora del proyecto Intervozes).


[Español] Entrevista individual Roberto Savio (Inter Press Service)

En esta entrevista, D. Savio habla sobre la necesidad del Foro Mundial de Medios 
Libres, de las cualidades de la buena comunicación y los buenos comunicadores/
periodistas, así como del peligro de la concentración de medios.

IMG_20150322_154801 De derecha a izquierda, Roberto Savio, Nozha Ben Mohamed y Maria Moukrim. (Foto: AMARC).


[Español] Entrevista individual Beatriz Barbosa (Intervozes)

En esta entrevista, Dña. Barbosa habla sobre los puntos más importantes de la Carta 
Mundial de los Medios Libres, la dicotomía entre la FM y la emisión por internet, así 
como las contribuciones que realizan los autodenominados "activistas" de la 
comunicación en el periodismo y en el sistema establecido de medios.

IMG_20150322_171530 De izquierda a derecha, François Soulard, Beatriz Barbosa, Myriam Merlant, Mohamed Legthas y Said Essoulami. (Foto: AMARC).
tags: FMML , mednet , news , Tunisia